Josh explained it in an email to my mum as follows:
"the trip from garissa to Mombasa was an experience to remember, and forget!
there were people crammed in the aisle, it was really hot and humid,
the dirt road was incredibly dusty and pot-holed, and there was more
than one person throwing up on the bus. no it wasn't our party
retching onto the floor, it was the somalis traveling around us! one
of them in particular attempted to catch her spew with a small plastic
bag. unknown to her and to us, there was a hole in the bottom of it.
rivulets of brown vomitus conveniently rolled down the somali woman's
purse, and onto marika's leg! oh, it was so funny and painful to
watch. instinctively, marika grabbed to only bag around her and tried
to catch the soupy mixture as it rolled off the woman's white pleather
purse. only thing was that the bag had our food in it for the 10 hour
bus ride. next thing, marika stands up to avoid the vomit, and this
only allows it to spill onto her seat which she has to sit back down
in. wow. and there was so much dust that we were all colored by it as
if brown sacks of flour had been thrown on us.
"the trip from garissa to Mombasa was an experience to remember, and forget!
there were people crammed in the aisle, it was really hot and humid,
the dirt road was incredibly dusty and pot-holed, and there was more
than one person throwing up on the bus. no it wasn't our party
retching onto the floor, it was the somalis traveling around us! one
of them in particular attempted to catch her spew with a small plastic
bag. unknown to her and to us, there was a hole in the bottom of it.
rivulets of brown vomitus conveniently rolled down the somali woman's
purse, and onto marika's leg! oh, it was so funny and painful to
watch. instinctively, marika grabbed to only bag around her and tried
to catch the soupy mixture as it rolled off the woman's white pleather
purse. only thing was that the bag had our food in it for the 10 hour
bus ride. next thing, marika stands up to avoid the vomit, and this
only allows it to spill onto her seat which she has to sit back down
in. wow. and there was so much dust that we were all colored by it as
if brown sacks of flour had been thrown on us.
Exhausted... we arrive in mombasa
ok ok, more positive things came in mombasa. the white sand beach at
diani beach is unbelievably soft on your feet and the water is like a
warm bath. and we had a little cottage on a hillside overlooking a
strip of beach, with a porch literally a few feet away from the beach.
it was perfect. fisherman stop by each morning with freshly caught fish, crab, shrimp, and squid
the view from our cottage
todays selection of fresh fish
the fisherman filleting the fish on our patio
preparing dinner
refreshed and ready to eat a
another wonderful meal
lunch with jeff, a friend that elisa and josh met here three years ago

diani beach is unbelievably soft on your feet and the water is like a
warm bath. and we had a little cottage on a hillside overlooking a
strip of beach, with a porch literally a few feet away from the beach.
it was perfect. fisherman stop by each morning with freshly caught fish, crab, shrimp, and squid
the view from our cottage